Choosing a uniform for your company’s employees is vital to create a unison brand and professional look. A uniform is actually much more than it seems. Apart from providing a unified look for your employees it also serves the purpose of protection, health, and safety.
It is therefore important that you consider a few determining factors when choosing a uniform design. Since the early 1800s groups and organizations would wear the same kind of clothing. In armed forces it served the purpose of protection as well as identifying different ranked soldiers. Nowadays, uniforms are used in prisons, schools, paramedics, working forces, and office jobs.
Not only for the ‘look’ but also to create comfortable wear that is practical and easy to work in. Learn more about the psychology behind the work uniform here:
To help you pick the perfect wear for your team, you should consider the following factors:
What to Consider When Ordering from a Vancouver Uniform Store
1. Practicality
Before you can start with logo designs and color selections, you have to consider whether the uniform is practical for the employees. When your employees have to move around a lot or do heavy lifting with their uniform on, then you can’t expect them to do tasks in tightly fitting clothes.
It’s important that you consider safety and functionality. In order for employees to work productively and feel motivated at work, they have to be comfortable in the clothes they wear every single day.
For employees doing manual labor, especially with specialized machines, it’s important to apply the relevant PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) set by the company’s safety regulations.
Employees who work in an office will feel much more positive when they have form fitting and well fitted uniforms. Recent surveys have proven that a uniform can cultivate pride and positivity in the workspace.
Discuss custom options for specialized duties with a Vancouver uniform store to ensure that employee’s needs are catered to.
2. Sizing and Volume
Before ordering from your local store, you need to be absolutely sure of the sizing. In most cases, stores will custom manufacture and embroider uniforms for companies. To avoid duplicates or sizes that you can’t use in the future, make sure that you order the right sizes and quantities.
Request size samples for your employees to fit before placing the order. Also keep in mind that workers definitely need more than one set for a working week. You can’t expect them to wash and dry their uniform every single day. So, ordering multiples for your staff will boost morale.
If you are planning on onboarding new staff, you can keep extra sizes in the store room that you can hand out once they start working. When your work force is large, ensure a stock management system that will ensure pieces don’t go missing.
3. Material and Fabric
As mentioned in the practicality section, it’s important that workwear is designed not only to look good but also to be fit for the job. Certain industries require different kinds of clothing that’s made from either heat resistant material, cooling fabric, or that’s equipped against wear and tear.
Depending on the industry, you have to choose the fabric accordingly. Those in the medical industry should have clothing that adhere to specific medical grade regulations.
When choosing a store, you have to make sure that they are able to provide you with different choices from durable to breathable fabrics. Read this to learn more about different fabrics and materials suitable for different working environments.
Ask your local Vancouver uniform store for advice on materials that won’t wrinkle as much and that is easy to clean – especially for employees working in dirty environments.
4. Colors

Now, for the fun part – choosing the colors. Professional uniform stores will be able to provide you with fabrics in a wide range of colors. You can even request that your company’s colors are manufactured in the fabric of your choice. It will be best to choose a color option that compliments your company logo.
Using a color card with different shades of the same color can work just as well if you want employees from different divisions to be distinguished from one another.
Even if the design of the clothing itself is excellently done, it will be the color of the product that will give it its unified appeal. Colors also have an influence on the style of your brand. Look at these uniform design ideas as inspiration for your company’s dress style:
5. Logo Design
It’s a given that you’d want your company logo placed somewhere on the shirts, jackets, or pants. You have to decide whether you want the logo to appear large and bold? Or smaller and less overpowering?
If you are a well-established brand, chances are you already have a logo designed that will appear on all branding. Putting a logo on a letter head is much different to putting it on a top. You will have to consider the size and placement.
You can choose the following placement:
- Left or right chest
- Left or right arm
- Left or right leg
- In the middle of the back
- Nape of the neck
- Left or right shoulder
- Digital printing
- Screen printing
- Embroidery
- Transfer printing
Sometimes logos will have to be simplified to look good on a uniform. This might mean that you will have to reduce the color complexity and intricacy of the design.
Along with your logo, you will have to decide whether you want to write any promotional or contact information. Do you want to personalize your employees’ workwear by adding their names?
This part can be quite fun and you can consult professional uniform designers to help you in deciding the correct placement and design.
6. Printing Style
Lastly, you can choose between the following printing styles:
Consult your store to give advice on which printing style is best suited for your company.
Taking into account the above-mentioned factors, sit down and discuss the perfect uniform options with a Vancouver manufacturer.