What Happens When You Don’t Wear the Right Sneakers?

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Why you should choose the right sneakers
Shoes are often underrated especially by society’s fashionistas, who care more about how the shoe looks than how it fits or if it’s comfortable enough to spend the whole day in. Shoes, however, play a much bigger part in our lives and our health than many people admit to believing. The point here is that anything you need to wear on your body must be comfortable, non-restrictive, and good for you. But unfortunately, the world doesn’t work that way – not every clothing or shoe designer makes items that are necessarily good for us, in which case it is up to us to be more careful. You can buy that Dolce and Gabbana or DKNY pair of sneakers because they look good, but when your feet start to hurt an hour later, you know they are not good. The wrong kind of footwear has been known to cause several negative issues, some mild and others extreme. A few online sources cover this topic extensively for example this website here. However, we will not bore you with the details, but rather break it down for you and give you some pointers on how to choose the right ones and what will happens when you don’t wear the right sneakers.

Wearing Bad Shoes Can Do A Lot More Than Meets the Eye

What people need to know is that when you wear a bad or uncomfortable type of shoe, it doesn’t only affect your feet, but it affects other things such as your back and spine. Were here to lift this curtain for you. When we say ‘bad shoes’ what we mean is, shoes that do not support you, or that are uncomfortable, either too tight or too loose, too high or too flat…all these fit into that category.
What happens when you don't wear the right sneakers
What happens when you don’t wear the right sneakers
Below you will find both the short term as well as the long-term effects of wearing bad shoes.

Corns and Callouses

Corn is referred to as the hard skin that can develop on the sides of your feet or toes, usually where there is a bone sticking out. When prolonged pressure is placed on the bone on the sides of your ankle or foot, corns can develop. Because they contain nerve fibers, they can be very painful and attach themselves to deeper tissue, which will eventually need the aid of a doctor or skin clinic to remove them. Tight shoes and uncomfortable footwear can easily cause this and choosing the right kind of style and material is the best investment, and here are a few pointers: https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/Choosing-the-right-shoe

Nail and Fungal Problems

That’s right. If you didn’t know, now you do. This nasty occurrence known as nail fungus can be caused by wearing incorrect shoes. When shoes are too tight and they place pressure on the sides of your toes, it has been seen to push the skin into your toenail, which after multiple wears, can cause an ingrown nail problem. This can lead to toenail infections and fungus which makes them brittle and weak causing them to easily break off or worse.

Athlete’s Foot

Is a very common issue among a lot of people and ages. It is caused by a bacterium that lives on the skin, called dermatophyte. The place where your feet sweat the most is usually susceptible to this condition. This is caused by shoes that are too tight and where the toes have no space between each other. Sweating leads to itching, which leads to inflammation and can cause athletes foot if your feet are not washed properly and dried properly too. Some people resort to putting powder in their shoes to avoid this but it needs to be the right kind of foot powder.

The Remedy

The three conditions stated are just a few of the many things that can happen. To avoid these from happening to you, here are a few things to do and to keep in mind, when choosing the right pair of sneakers such as Clove sneakers for example, or orthopedic shoes, to make sure you not only look good but also feel good. If you haven’t already, measuring your feet both lengthwise and the width, should be done now. Many people have never done this in their life and go with guesswork. To ensure shoes have a proper fit, it is fundamental to make sure you know these numbers when you’re buying a pair. Did you know there is a better time to buy footwear? Feet tend to swell up during the day and especially in the summertime. So going to the shoe store in the evening is your best bet because your feet will be the preferred size and you can grab a pair that fits properly as opposed to being a size bigger. Our feet are not the same size. This may come to some as a surprise, but it is normal. So, make sure the foot that’s slightly longer is the size your going for, and evaluate all the different parts of the shoes i.e. the shank, the heel, the sole, and the shoe box, which all should be flexible and maneuverable, not stiff. Shoes that have orthopedic foam insoles that have a cushion in them are usually comfortable for walking long hours. Hopefully this information will help you re-think the way you see your feet in the future.
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