A Newbie’s Guide to Charm Bracelets

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Newbie's Guide to Charm Bracelets
Jewelry has been an intricate part of lifestyles since the beginning of time. Jewelry designers are constantly looking for new kind of jewelry designs to attract consumers. A variety of styles, cuts, and sizes can be found on rings, bracelets, and necklaces. Although many jewelry pieces go in and out of fashion with the seasons, there’s one kind of jewelry piece that will never go out of style – the charm bracelet. If you’re a newbie to charm bracelets and are considering purchasing one of your own in the near future, then stick around to learn all you need to know about these gorgeous arm decorations.

What is a Charm?

Charms are small decorative pieces that adorn a variety of basic jewelry pieces. Symbolizing a variety of different things to the owner, they can be found in many different shapes, colors, and designs. They are also known as little trinkets or amulets that holds beautiful messages and symbols. They can either be attached to a necklace or bracelet, with the latter being the most popular choice. Which makes these little trinkets extra special is the fact that they are interchangeable. Consumers can create their own customized bracelet by adding a variety of different ornaments of their choosing.

Origin of Charm Bracelets

These gorgeous jewelry pieces date back over 12,000 years ago. During the Neolithic Era, humans carved little sculptures out of shell, wood, stone, and bone. They weren’t only used for bodily decoration, but mainly to ward off evil spirits. Little trinkets are regularly found at ancient archeological sites. Other historic periods that really favored charms were the ancient Egyptians. Who made amulets depicting a variety of religious images. These amulets were found buried with Egyptian hierarchy. A lady who created many fashion trends was Queen Victoria. About 150 years ago she popularized the charm bracelet and jewelers took it to the next level. Today you can find huge names in the jewelry industry dedicating large ranges to the art of charm bracelets.

Metals Used to Create Charms

The great thing about charms for bracelets, is that you can use a wide variety of metals and materials to create them. Depending on the kind of metal or material used to manufacture these trinkets, you will spend more or less money on it.
Popular metals used in creating ornaments are gold, silver, platinum, titanium, stainless steel, tungsten, palladium, plastic, clay, and resin
Popular metals used in creating ornaments are gold, silver, platinum, titanium, stainless steel, tungsten, palladium, plastic, clay, and resin
Popular metals used in creating ornaments are gold, silver, platinum, titanium, stainless steel, tungsten, palladium, plastic, clay, and resin. They can be adorned and decorated by a variety of different colored pearls, gem stones, beads, diamonds, and crystals. Many crafters have used recyclable materials such as sheet metal and even cooldrink tops to create funky DIY-type pieces.

Who Can Wear a Charm Bracelet?

These bracelets are probably one of the most versatile jewelry pieces out there. So, the answer to that question is: absolutely anyone. A variety of designs can be found in jewelry stores and online. Trinkets for girls have become extremely popular. With colorful designs in the shapes of ice creams, rainbows, unicorns, mermaids, and even best friend hearts taking over the jewelry shelves. For teenagers, you can find designs on different interests like sports, travel, and art. You can customize them even more by engraving special words or initials into metal sheets. For adult women there’s a wide selection of more romantic pieces in a variety of birthstone colors and classic designs. There has been a question about which hand you are supposed to wear the bracelet on. Many prefer to wear it on their non-dominant hand, as the little trinkets might get in the way of everyday tasks.

The Chain

Even when you pick some of the most gorgeous looking charms, you still have to find a chain on which you can attach it. You can either consider a more expensive sterling silver or gold chain. Depending on your personal style, you can decide what thickness the chain should be. You can find chains in a variety of colors, styles, and sizes. As long as the chain has a series of links, you’ll be able to attach your trinkets to it. Learn more about jewelry chains here: https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/tips-for-working-with-chain-4036577

Most Popular Ornament Designs

Even though you can find a variety of different designs, there are a few common charms that are typically bought by first timers. Here is a list of the most common designs: Horse Shoe: Because charms were originally created to ward off evil, the horse shoe has become a great symbolization of that. Wearing one around your wrist on a chain will only bring you luck. Initials: Not only are people engraving their loved one’s name on the inside of rings, you can attach their initials onto your charm bracelet forever. Quotes: Larger sized flat sheet metal charms are also extremely popular. You can add a customized quote onto them that you can look at every day. Cherubs: Little angels are the symbol of protection and many people invest in a little cherub their first-time round. Religious: Crosses are another popular image used, especially amongst those who have strong faith and belief system. Geographically Orientated: Whether it’s a cowboy boot to symbolize Texas, or a Lion’s paw to symbolize Africa, geographically orientated ornaments are extremely popular in a variety of areas. Click here to learn more about the symbolic of popular images and signs.

Why is Charm Bracelets So Popular?

Well, the most evident reason is because of its customization appeal. No single charm bracelet is the same. These gorgeous pieces of jewelry are completely customizable to resemble special people, moments, hobbies, and interests in your life. Making it an extremely unique combination of trinkets all wrapped around your wrist.
Why Is Charm Bracelets So Popular
Why Is Charm Bracelets So Popular
Furthermore, as you grow older your charms can grow old with you too. Keeping ornaments and interchanging them on to adult chains, will keep your childhood or teenage memories alive. Investing in a series of memorable and symbolic ornaments will create a special and unique jewelry piece around your wrist. The only thing that you have to fear when purchasing a charm bracelet, is the possibility that you might just become addicted to collecting a wide variety. Definitely a healthy addiction that we don’t mind you indulging in.


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